ECE Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the ECE curriculum used in the classrooms?
- DCPS is using the Creative Curriculum along with GOLD Teaching strategies, which has a basis in play-based learning. This type of learning strategies teaches children early literacy and emergent math skills through the use of songs, dance, facilitated-play, authentic conversation and discourse.
- What is virtual learning like for Pre-K students?
- ECE teachers have combined the DCPS Creative Curriculum with virtual platforms such as Seesaw and Hatch to create a developmentally appropriate schedule for our youngest learners which include virtual morning meeting, read-aloud, small group workshops and one-on-one groups.
- What intercore specials are offered for ECE students?
- For this school year, we are offering Music, Art, Physical Education, Spanish, STEAM and Library as our specials.
- What are the class sizes for ECE and how many adults are in each classroom?
- PK3 classes can have a maximum of 16 students, while PK4 classes can have a maximum of 20 students. The maximum for mixed ages is 17 students. All ECE classes are staffed with one lead teacher and one educational aide. Two additional aides support the classes on a weekly basis as well. ECE supervision plan are followed at all times where students a regularly counted at every transition, whenever leaving one area and going to another, and at regular times throughout the day. We also utilize a daily sign in and sign out sheet which is retained for entire school year. ECE teachers should report to the supervisor immediately if they go over ratio or under ratio.
- What happens in the case of an emergency?
- All emergency medical and dental procedures in the classroom in a location where they can be easily viewed along with student allergies, chronic conditions, and daily medication is applicable. All school-based emergency contact numbers should be listed on the emergency medical procedures form as well as in the teachers contact information log. Parents or legal guardians of preschool children must complete the Authorization to Release Pre-K Children form. DCPS staff cannot attempt to restrict either parent's access to their child without a court order. Staff will only permit individuals listed on a child’s emergency contact card to sign said child out - unless written permission has been received from the parent or guardian. If written permission is given, a photo ID will be required of any person who the staff does not recognize. Individuals from law enforcement, CFSA or shelters may pick-up children from the school site but must also show valid ID.
- What is the lunch and recess procedure?
- Both lunch and recess are considered a learning opportunity that supports staff-child interactions. We use this time to foster communication and conversations that contribute to a child’s learning, development, and socialization called Family Style Dining.